Interest Rate and Schedule of Charges

Description Amount/ Percentage of charges
Profectus Prime Lending Rate (PPLR) The Board approved prime lending rate for Profectus Capital Private Limited is 15.85% with effect from July 1, 2023.The rate of interest for all the loans offered by PCPL will be PPLR +/- spread. Profectus Capital follows Risk Based Pricing approach that entails pricing each loan after weighing-in all risks and their corresponding mitigants.
Stamp duty Actuals
Technical Valuation Charges (to be collected upfront) Actuals
Legal search charges (to be collected upfront) Actuals
Cheque / NACH Bounce Charges Rs. 1,050.00 for each bounce
Delayed Payment Charges @ 24% per annum (Exclusive of Tax) on unpaid dues/instalments for the period said amount remains overdue
Penal Charges for Breach Material Covenants @ 2 % per annum (Exclusive of Tax) on principal outstanding till the fulfilment/compliance of sanctioned / disbursement condition.
Cheque Swapping Charges Rs 750.00 per swap (Exclusive of Tax)
Prepayment Charges As per loan contract terms with customer
Loan cancellation charges Rs 10,000.00 (Exclusive of Tax)
Certified Loan Statement (per loan) No charge for first time in a financial year, for second time onwards Rs 500.00 (Exclusive of Tax)
Duplicate NDC / NOC Issuance charges Rs 500.00 (Exclusive of Tax)
Legal / Collection/ Repossession & Incidental charges Actuals
Copy of Loan Documents Rs 500.00 (Exclusive of Tax)
FC Statement Issuance Charges Rs. 500.00 (Exclusive of Tax)

*All above charges will be at sole discretion of PCPL.

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